Talk 10: Ogre swallows Earth

Talk 10: Ogre swallows Earth

9 October 2020 Off By Naginder Sehmi

Living with nature

We all know and love watching birds, mice, insects, and numerous other species, instinctively building their houses in the same ecological manner, form and size. Some even brilliantly installed natural air conditioning to protect themselves from extreme heat and cold. We cannot emulate the superb architecture that ants, bees, and beavers have mastered. They are content with what they have and achieved. No trace of greed. We smile when we see birds pick up coloured pieces of plastic and glass to decorate their nests. Poor innocent birds do not know that these trinkets kill many of them.

Animals like lions and bears, make their dens. Many do not require any shelter at all, open nature is their abode. Their bodies adapt to the changing whims of nature. Some migrate to distant continents using their own infallible guiding systems more efficient than any human GPS.

Human ogre

The human BHG is the only species that is incapable of being content with any type of house they own. All the time, human individuals crave to own a different and bigger house whether they really need it or not. If they are unable to do this, they will enlarge and beautify the one they own or move to live in skyscrapers – an ecological massacre!

Without any doubt human hordes, that we also know as bacterium homo graedigus, are a perpetually famished ogre with a gargantuan appetite devouring every available natural resource.  They adore gulping down even the non-material knowledge and know about everything from the hugest to the tiniest. Their limitless unstoppable curiosity drives them to strive and conquer in order to better themselves in every way: food, shelters, materials, and travels.  They cannot be stopped from feeding their voracious I-ness gene.

This human ogre knows everything; yet it continues to render sick Earth sicker. He feels the remorse but cannot amend his behaviour. He is pushing Earth towards a silent environmental and ecological holocaust.

Will we ever stop considering nature as our enemy and stop subjugating it? Will we ever succeed to cure sick Earth?