Man vs nature


The sins of Granthohiles – a dialogue

– It will be difficult for you to deny that religions have fermented more hatred between the world’s peoples than


What is Granthophilia? What is Granthophilia? The idea of of GRANTHOPHILIA is as old as the Christian Bible. Many Christian

Poor God!

Translation from original French published in LE TEMPS. Poor God! Naginder Sehmi, Genève My God is a supreme Force all

War between “religions of peace”

(English translation of an article in French that was published in LE TEMPS a Swiss national newspaper.) LE TEMPS –

Verses from Adi Granth

Verses from the Sikh holy book Recited by Kabir and Naginder Sehmi on the occasion of the United Nations Day

Nanak’s meditations – Dialogue 2

NANAK’S MEDITATIONS – Dialogue 2 By Naginder S. Sehmi A dialogue presented by Amita Sehmi-Guigoz and Naginder S. Sehmi, at 

Naginder Singh Sehmi est né au Kenya et passe maintenant sa retraite en Suisse, il reste néanmoins en ses convictions un homme Indien et un Sikh qui à passé une grande partie de sa vie à franchir les croisements entre les cultures occidentales et orientales et les frontières entre science et Spiritualité